Tool The perfect rooted Bluestacks for MODs

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G-Bo ッ

Staff member

This is the Bluestacks I use to test MODs, that means, if you have problems with your emulator, this one will work =)

How to?

1. Download Bluestacks:
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2. Download this file:
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3. Extract the .rar file, you will get a file called "Root.vdi"

4. Start one time Bluestacks and fill all informations.

5. Shut down Bluestacks completely by clicking here:


5. Wait short time and go to C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android folder.
Important: To see this folder activate to see hidden folders in your windows settings.

6. Take the extracted "Root.vdi" files you downloaded and replace it with the "Root.vdi" file in the C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks\Android folder

7. Start Bluestacks and voila, bluestacks is full rooted + gdb + busybox installed (invisible but in the system files).

How to make it patched to be able to use unsigend APKs?

1. Download the newest version of Luckypatcher here: Lucky Patcher 6.8.7 APK Download [Official Website] - Lucky Patcher

2. Drag it into Bluestacks and install.

3. After you launch it first time click "grant" to allow root access: 1.png

4. Now click on the button of LuckyPatcher "Toolbox" and then on "Patch to Android": 2.png

5. Now choose the first 2 patches and click on apply (do not press all 3 yet!): 3.png

6. Last step, go to same place and enable the 3. patch, click on apply again: 4.png

7. Restart device.

8. You should see now on all 3 patches the (patched applied), well done!

Me for explaination
@iAndroHacker for the root file =)
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