Jaburijabara Platinian Feb 17, 2023 #122 What's the difference between this and the legendary edition? Is this legendary edition? Or the regular one? Btw, thank you so much
What's the difference between this and the legendary edition? Is this legendary edition? Or the regular one? Btw, thank you so much
Connor72ndthe2nd Platinian Mar 22, 2023 #123 Not sure what I'm doing wrong it crashes every time I open it, it turns into a black screen with white at the bottom.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong it crashes every time I open it, it turns into a black screen with white at the bottom.
xExodia Just Crazy Mar 22, 2023 #124 Mod working Attachments Screenshot_20230322-192050_0c427b37f18fd71c849b4e3cea251942.jpg 323.9 KB · Views: 153 Screenshot_20230322-192035_0c427b37f18fd71c849b4e3cea251942.jpg 236.5 KB · Views: 164
Kiukiu10 Platinian Mar 29, 2023 #125 How to install it?????? IItsa zip file white split apk files ... what to do plz halp Shira