FREE MOD TripleFantasy Premium Ver. 7.78.1 MEGA MOD APK | 13 FEATURES MOD APK

Post number 394 has been selected as best answered.

Hmm if no toggle was clicked then it could be a bug of the original game let's see if devs fix it
I also got this error. The game crash when click on to any card even though no mod actives. I'm using Asus Rog phone 5. I don't think it's a bug from original game.
I also got this error. The game crash when click on to any card even though no mod actives. I'm using Asus Rog phone 5. I don't think it's a bug from original game.
Hmm i have an idea can you try the no menu apk I gave below see if it's working their
the game always crashes when trying to see/touch the cards even when the cheat is not active, and the ingame stat and critical cheats don't seem to work
And yes the game is crashing even when you try to see card in summon. Still, it's an ingame thing as this is unrelated with my mod as it's still crashing even without any option being active
Has anyone tried the original game? crashing or not
I have found the reason (took me some time and now it's fine)
No menu mod works fine along with original apk from play store
How are we supposed to use the high growth correctly? Since it doesnt apply in battle and we cant keep the growth since we cant tap the carda to evolve them.
Now you will be able to see it, (though it's visual only as of now)
the game always crashes when trying to see/touch the cards even when the cheat is not active, and the ingame stat and critical cheats don't seem to work
Ok listen now, the game only crashes when your cost is excending like hell just use my no cost feature and you will be able to use the cards freely

I hope you all got it
How are we supposed to use the high growth correctly? Since it doesnt apply in battle and we cant keep the growth since we cant tap the carda to evolve them.
It's best usage is when you select friend card as even though your cards stats are suppressed by server that doesn't applies to your friend (the friends stats becomes OP)
Fire: Shinobu
Earth: Valkyria
Water: The dual bakkojutsu one (I forgot her name)

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