Open Request Unfold — Create Stories



Game Name: Unfold — Create Stories

Google Play Store Link: Unfold — Create Stories - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: Download Unfold — Create Stories latest 4.1.4 Android APK
(you can find all APKs on

Cheat Requested: This is an app designed to create interesting instagram stories. You get really minimal designs for free but you need a subscription to get the rest. Version 3.1.1. was hacked and allowed for a full set of frames, but they are now up to 4.1.4. and have really updated the app. The cheat/mod I would like is similar to the spotify app, for it to think I have already purchased the premium account so I can download all the designs.

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Which one? (Examples: GameKiller, GameGuardian, SBGameHacker, Freedom, CreeHack, etc.)
No -> Why?

No, because i know absolutely nothing about cheat engines and would not know where to begin.


  • 2019-08-22_151133.png
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