I just want you to know this doesn't uncap fps, it just puts the fps as the max refresh rate available, 120 in my case. But that's all needed anyways.Here's the libil2cpp: https://file.io/CX179vmXMUHY (uncapped/999 fps)
Just needed to mod the GetDesiredFPS() and get_DesiredFrameRate(). Maybe I gave you the wrong hex codes
it's for v.1.7.673, if you don't have that version I can share the whole app
Nice! No problem manHey man ! THANKS FOR YOUR HELP. I Don't need any further patch. I was able to use the Hex codes you earlier gave and mod my il2cpp file myself with these two fucntions and framerate unlocked. I guess the key was to do them both at same time. Again, thanks for your help.
Yeah I discovered the same thing. Don't know if it's possible to truly uncap it. But it's enough anyway yesI just want you to know this doesn't uncap fps, it just puts the fps as the max refresh rate available, 120 in my case. But that's all needed anyways.