Tutorial [Unity Menu] PMTMenu v3 - Public Release [400k Member Celebration!]


iPMT Elite Modder
Staff member
iOS Team Leader

Platinmods just hit 400k Members! It's also time for a beastly Unity Menu to be released to the public :D


- Easy to use
- Looks good
- Minimal Code Declaration
- Customize Fonts and Buttons
- Auto-Resizing
- Various Button Types (Normal,TextInputs and Number Boxes)
- Draggable
- In-Game Settings option for users (Size, Transparency, Theme)
- 11 Beautiful Themes!

- DnSpy Experience
- Basic C# Knowledge
PS: It's really easy to use if you have some experience, for a newbie it may be hard to understand!

Video Tutorials:

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Thanks TheArmKing! I have tried this on SpookizLink game but the mod menu isn't working. Even the one created by PeekABoo doesn't work too. I had success getting the mod menu to show using AndnixSH's mod menu (available on his website) though.

My guess is the UnityEngine.dll packed doesn't have the full functions of GUI like most game does. In fact to make AndnixSH's mod work, I had to remove all the "background" property in his code, leading all the hacks to be overlay-ed onto one another, in a single line.

Any way to overcome the problem or "force" the full classes/functions of UnityEngine.dll into the existing one?
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menumaker mod menu mod menu maker thearmking unity menu
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