Outdated uYouPlus 18.07.5-2.3.1 MOD IPA (Youtube app mod)


PMT Elite Modder
Staff member

iTunes Link: ‎YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream

App Name: uYouPlus
App Version: 18.07.5-2.3.1
Bundle ID: com.google.ios.youtube

Needs Jailbreak: No!
Platform: Apple 64 bit (old devices not working like iPhone 4)
Supported iOS: 16 and above
Separate App-Icon: no

Supported Devices:
- iPhone 5s or newer
- iPod Touch 6G or newer
- iPad Air/Pro or newer
- iPad mini 2 or newer
- work for non-jailbroken and jailbroken devices.

How to install this IPA Apps/Mods (read carefully):

*Special Features*
- uYou: uYou has a ton of features that I can't list them all. Visit here for more info!
- iSponsorBlock: Skips annoying sponsor ads inside videos. iSponsorBlock is based on SponsorBlock engine. Basically, this is the iOS version of the SponsorBlock extension.
- YouPiP: enable YouTube's native PiP. More options are in YouTube Settings - General.
- YTUHD: unlock VP9 codec and in effect, enables video quality of 2K and 4K. You can enable/disable YTUHD in YouTube Settings - Video quality preferences.
- YTAutoFullScreen: autoplay videos at full screen.
- YTClassicVideoQuality: since YouTube v16.xx, you need one more step to change the video quality. YTClassicVideoQuality brings back the old video quality selector, which is a lot - - better than the new one.
- YTNoHoverCards: offer an option to enable/disable the annoying suggested videos show up at the end of the videos.
- YouRememberCaption: make YouTube remember your video caption setting (if not already).
- NoYTPremium: remove YouTube Premium upsells.
- YTSpeed: add 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, and 3x playback speed
- YTMiniplayerEnabler: enable Miniplayer for all YouTube videos.
- DontEatMyContent: prevent the notch/Dynamic Island from munching on 2:1 video content in YouTube.
- YTShortsProgress: always enable progress bar and scrubbing in YouTube Shorts (iPhone only).
- YTABConfig: allow user to control over YouTube A/B testing flags.

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