Help! What sort of cheat detection is this

wrong called function and or Offset - freeze/crash if cheat is activated. its that simple ?
There are games with such cheat detections that were hackable before, so i know exactly what i am modding but it freezes, doesn't crash. Just gets stuck. The hard part is i have no clue what it causing it, the logs can't seem to throw something useful either from where i can start debugging. Take a look at TANKS ALOT similar thing is happening
It requires screenshots to identify the error

There are hundreds of detections you did not even mention the "error message"

If your game crashes then you simply did not mod the right function it probably has no detection
No any useful information in the LOGS i have checked and the game does not crash it simple freezes/stuck. Also i am sure i am modding the correct function since the game was hackable before, there is something the DEVs are implementing that we do not know yet.
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