Cuccu Rookie Dec 3, 2020 #1,768 MOD 2 is awesome for farm but when try a pvp duel match is lost and can't play in pvp
J joaquin70425 Rookie Dec 4, 2020 #1,773 En el tutorial el adversario no ataca y se queda trabado, ayuda ?
Z Zanza Platinian Dec 4, 2020 #1,775 @G-Bo ッ There is a bug with your v1 mod: ANY effect that EXCAVATES cards, makes the app crash. This is very serious as many cards have excavate effects. Please fix.
@G-Bo ッ There is a bug with your v1 mod: ANY effect that EXCAVATES cards, makes the app crash. This is very serious as many cards have excavate effects. Please fix.