Search results

  1. Solved Hook void (float)

    Try this void (*NormalDamage)(void *instance, int newDamage, void *enemy, float multiplier); void (*old_Update)(void *instance); void Update(void *instance) { if(instance!=NULL) { void *enemy = *(void **) ((uint64_t) instance + 0xOFFSET); NormalDamage(instance, 9999, enemy...
  2. Solved Hook void (float)

    void (*NormalDamage)(void *instance, int newDamage, void *enemy, float multiplier); void (*old_Update)(void *instance); void Update(void *instance) { if(instance!=NULL) { void *enemy = *(void **) ((uint64_t) instance + 0xOFFSET); NormalDamage(instance, 9999, enemy, 1.0)...
  3. Solved Hooks do not work correctly

    void (*old_DmgMana)(void *instance); void DmgMana(void *instance) { if (instance != NULL) { if (Damage) { *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x24) = 999999999; } if(Mana) { *(int *) ((uint64_t) instance + 0x28) = 999999999; } }...
  4. Solved Help

    The S24 Ultra has the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 CPU, which afaik doesn't support 32bit, only 64bit. It's possible the mod apk you downloaded is 32bit which is why it won't install.
  5. Help! getting 0 health instead of infinite....

    He's using ARM64 you pleb.
  6. Help! Apply changes from Dump.cs

    Dump.cs is only used to find offsets for hacks, for example if you want to do unlimited health, you open the dump.cs in a text editor and search for keywords like "health" "damage" etc. Once you find your offsets you can either hex patch file directly in a hex editor, or hook them...
  7. Solved Help bind update to hook

    If this is for Hide Online, just so you know other players won't be able to see the stickers this way. For that you need to use PUN RPC which is complicated.
  8. Help! Class without update and usage

    Hook them to get_Range() function. Use it as if it were Update() like this... float (*old_SingleBulletShooter_Range)(void *instance); float SingleBulletShooter_Range(void *instance) { if(instance!=nullptr) { if(OneHitKill) { SetObscuredIntValue((uint64_t) instance +...
  9. Solved Help with get_photon

    What are you trying to do? You can't return a void.
  10. Solved How to hook Field Offset Of Firerate

    Try a high value like 9999.0
  11. Solved How to hook Field Offset Of Firerate

    Is there an Update() function in the same class?
  12. Tutorial How to bypass Pairip protections, LATEST (too easy)

    Tried this, it opens the game but says there's a required update available even though it's the latest version. Game: H.I.D.E Hide and Seek Online
  13. Help! Help with playerlist

    It's way too complicated.
  14. Help! Can't install LGL Mod Menu

    This works, but some of the language is in Chinese
  15. Solved what to do if there is no update function in the class

    If you're hooking a method, look for another update function in a different class and try that. If you're hooking a field offset, try to use any of the other methods in that same class, for example "awake"
  16. Help! Can't install LGL Mod Menu

    This worked, is there a way to get AIDE to sign the apk with V1 + V2 signature? By default it's set to V1 only.
  17. Help! Can't install LGL Mod Menu

    Didn't work unfortunately
  18. Help! Can't install LGL Mod Menu

    Hi guys. Just got a new phone. ZTE Axon 40 Ultra (Android 13) Running my LGL project in AIDE works fine, it builds the lgl mod menu apk however I'm getting an error when trying to install it. "Invalid installation package" My last phone was a OnePlus 7 Pro (Android 10) it worked fine on...
  19. Help! How to hook that void fun.?

    void (*FinishAllQuests)(void *instance); FinishAllQuests = (void(*)(void*)) getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0x7E6EE0); You need to hook it to an update method, preferably one from the same/similar class. Then you can use it in a hook like so... void (*old_Update)(void *instance); void...
  20. Help! Decompile android apk and source code

    Not afaik. Only the developer has that
  21. Help! Decompile android apk and source code

    It's impossible to get the exact source code from a decomiled apk.
  22. Solved Game is detecting lib file

    Not quite sure how to install it in my lgl project
  23. Help! Game detects signed apk

    Fixed with MT VIP signature killer.
  24. Solved Game is detecting lib file

    Hi guys, the game I'm modding is detecting my lib file... "lib/armeabi-v7a/" It then puts me in offline room, does anyone know how to bypass this check that scans this folder for added files? Thanks
  25. Help! Game detects signed apk

    Hi guys, I've made a mod menu for a game and it works fine, the issue is, the game detects when the apk has been signed with a new signature (when it's not the original) and puts you in an offline room. Does anyone know a way around this? My phone is rooted if that helps, I tried the...
  26. Solved Multiple offsets with same Toggle

    Put all booleans in the same switch
  27. Help! hooking update

    What game?
  28. Help! hooking update

    Try them they'll either work or they won't.