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  1. Help! how can i use this?

    All I know is that it's an object array. I can't figure out how to write that part in lgl C++ The params keyword is C# and lgl menu is C++ there is not a params keyword in C++ afaik. I have no idea how other modders have managed to do it. It's very complicated, and I'm still ne Bomb Hacker...
  2. Help! Modding training

    There are quite a few YouTube tutorials, just search on there.
  3. Help! how can i use this?

    A few specific ones. Usually they start with the word "On" For example "OnWeaponReload" or "OnDied"
  4. Help! public void

    You can't hex patch a void other than to NOP/cancel the function out. Depending on what you're trying to do, you'd likely need to hook it
  5. Help! how can i use this?

    You need a monoString struct. Then you can hook it like this... void *(*RPC)(monoString*, int); Then use it like this... RPC((CreateMonoString("TypeMethodNameHere"), 0); 0 = All Photon Targets (sends to everyone)
  6. Help! Does anyone know anything about Photon RPC?

    Looking to learn more about how RPC's work, I've searched everywhere online but can't find much on RPC hacks. There have been a few modders who have them in their menus but are reluctant to share any info. Willing to pay, thanks
  7. Help! public bool

    You can't do it that way. get_strike method returns true or false, not a damage value of int or float. You need to find a method that returns int or float, if there isn't one then it's possible that it's a field offset instead, which you can't modify by hex patching, you'd need to hook it.
  8. Help! table xex codes

    If the method you are trying to hack is a bool, aka (get_strike) then you can only return a 0 or 1 (true or false) to this, you can't enter a hex value that is anything other than that. If you want to change the strike damage, you need to find a method that rerurns a value, such as float, or...
  9. Help! folder UK

    In newer lgl versions "UK" folder got changed to "support" COM > Android > Support
  10. Help! How to make/edit this in an already modded apk?

    Not possible afaik. You'd need that modders lgl menu project code which you can't get from the compiled apk.
  11. Help! Method with object[] array

    I tried it like how you have and it's just crashing my game, I'm not very familiar with arrays though so I'm probably doing something wrong
  12. Help! Bro help I can't dump lib

    Are you using il2cppDumper?
  13. Solved Does anyone know how to hook this method?

    void RPC(void*, string, enum, params object[]) So far I've hooked it like this... void (*RPC)(void*, monoString*, int, void*); The part I'm struggling with is the last argument "params object[]" which looks like an object array? Not sure if this should be a void* or something else? So far...
  14. Help! god mode

    Each game is different, maybe there's a bool method for god mode/unlimited health, in which case you can set it to true by using 01 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1 (armv7) Maybe there's a function called something like "OnTakeDamage" in which case you can just NOP/cancel it out with 1E FF 2F E1 (armv7)
  15. Help! Hooking

    Try this void(*old_control)(void *instance); void control(void *instance){ if(instance != NULL){ if (Speed!=0) { *(float*)((uint32_t)instance + 0x28) = Speed; } if (RunSpeed!=0) { *(float*)((uint32_t)instance + 0x2C) = RunSpeed; } if (Jump!=0) { *(float*)((uint32_t)instance + 0x3C) = Jump; }...
  16. Help! Method with object[] array

    I'd like to know this as well. Can't figure it out
  17. Source Among Us v2021.12.15 Offsets

    Anyone know how to hook Photon RPC?