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  1. Help! How to exclude yourself from drawing ESP

    Try "public bool get_isLocal() { }".
  2. Solved Ortographic & Ortographic Size - Android, Unity Game

    What have you tried? if possible give the code you tried, need more info.
  3. Help! Help Spawn Items in Granny

    I hate to say this but you should try to figure it out yourself. Your issue is not really that hard to figure out. Also an additional tip, look into the rest of the mod menu, you'll have an easier time understanding it.
  4. Solved Crash when drawing (esp)

    Fixed it by adding -keep public class { public void DrawText(, int, int, int, int, java.lang.String, float, float, float); } in (i'm so stupid)
  5. Solved Crash when drawing (esp)

    void DrawText(Color color, const char *txt, Vector2 pos, float size) { if (isValid()) { LOGI(OBFUSCATE("DrawText on NepDraw.h called")); jclass canvasView = _env->GetObjectClass(_cvsView); if (canvasView) { LOGI(OBFUSCATE("canvasView...
  6. Solved Crash when drawing (esp)

    Okay i just boiled down the problem to jmethodID drawtext = _env->GetMethodID(canvasView, "DrawText", "(Landroid/graphics/Canvas;IIIILjava/lang/String;FFF)V"); My first suspicion was the signature but changing it doesn't seem to do anything. I'll look into it more.
  7. Solved Crash when drawing (esp)

    Moved the esp initialization to from
  8. Solved Crash when drawing (esp)

    Game used (For testing): Granny v1.8.1 | 32 Bit Currently trying to make an esp but keep crashing when trying to draw it. I've been trying to fix it for the past 6 hours but can't find the problem, i'll try to fix it again but any help will be appreciated. I'll give the files that is modified...
  9. Solved Help How to call void in lgl mod menu

    Insert the Update offset on the hack_thread like this // targetLibName can be replaced by a string of the lib name A64HookFunction((void *)getAbsoluteAddress(targetLibName, 0xOFFSET), (void *)Update, (void **)&old_Update); // For arm64 only // OR MSHookFunction((void...
  10. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Thanks for the feedback! Before i even created this thread, i research as much as i can.
  11. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Thank you! i appreciate it.
  12. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Thanks for the information about instance! Here is my research: - Classes are like templates, while instances are the actual objects that do the work. - Instance is a specific object created from a class, with its own unique values for it's properties. - The "void* instance parameter" is a...
  13. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    I take this back, im stupid to realize lol thats its the same thing but now the name is printed out too inside the get_Nickname hook
  14. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Yep, playerName From PUN1. The game uses PUN2
  15. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    ⁷ Okay, after thinking about it for a while it makes sense that u can return the new string, because the method isn't a void (method that doesn't return a value) which in this case it can return strings.
  16. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Thanks for the information! the time when i made the get_Nickname hook was when i was learning about string hooking and instance pointers i think, so i didnt really consider it as a possibility. I will try nonetheless. Again, thanks for the information! About the instance parameter thingy, i...
  17. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    If you just scroll up a bit u will see: "UPDATE: I managed to figure out how to correctly hooked the get_Nickname, i can change the nickname but it doesn't update ingame. Any reason to why? (I used LOGI to check the nickname)"
  18. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    I'll try it, but i also have hooked public static bool get_IsMasterClient() { } which uses if (instance != nullptr) (I changed to nullptr but even with NULL it still works) Why in ur opinion it has to be different if its static? oh and also the getNickname works because i already used LOGI to...
  19. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    PhotonNetwork doesnt have playerName as a variable or a function. May i ask where did you find about PhotonNetwork have a variable or function called playerName? I think you are referring to NickName which says:
  20. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Already tried everything that's related (method, variables, etc).
  21. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Already tried everything that's related (method, variables, etc). I'm trying to find the actual username because i think the name from photon or online stuff in the code doesn't update "offline" name. (the game is Offline/Online).
  22. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    The code i gave is not the full code (to avoid confusion).
  23. Solved How to hook field offset with no update function?

    I already figured it out a couple weeks ago by using the awake function within the class and get its instance and then use the instance in my function update that uses another update offset from another class. But thanks for the suggestion
  24. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Here's the code: typedef struct _monoString { void *klass; void *monitor; int length; char chars[1]; int getLength() { return length; } char *getChars() { return chars; } } monoString; monoString *(*String_CreateString)(void *_this, const char...
  25. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    UPDATE: I managed to figure out how to correctly hooked the get_Nickname, i can change the nickname but it doesn't update ingame. Any reason to why? (I used LOGI to check the nickname)
  26. Help! Spoofing nickname on photon games

    Is it possible to spoof nickname on photon games? I already tried using How to modify Unity's Il2cpp String method's - - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps ARM64 Unity String Function Hooking LGL Menu - - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps To hook the...
  27. Solved How to hook field offset with no update function?

    I want to hook a bool field offset but the class doesn't have any update function, and there is no classes it uses that have reference to it that have a update function. Well there is one class that have reference to it and have a update function but it only works when on "Project Mode", so it...