Open Request Arcadia: Breath of the Land



Game Name: Arcadia: Breath of the Land

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Double dungeon rewards
  • Exp gain multiplier
  • Damage multiplier
  • God mode
  • Unlimited gold coin
  • Unlimited diamond
  • Unlimited reputation
  • Unlimited iridex
  • Unlimited starbind
  • Rewards multiplier
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> I don't have any modding experience
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I hope mod can revise thìs cheat. I dont want to be rude, but can you just make it reward multiplier only. This game may dont have anti cheat, but I think it is safer to avoid getting banned. There is 2 clearing dungeon, one for server and the other is for cross server. Hope you can add reward multiplier only on normal dungeon because it seem possible. There is a algorithm that make you receive more reward when you level up, I thinkmyou can utilize cheat on that. I notice I getting better reward as I level up higher. If possible, please make it able to sign up. I may not play on my real account, but not hurt to create a new one. XD Thank you so much.

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