Open Request Disney Magic Kingdoms



Game Name: Disney Magic Kingdoms

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • Unlimited Gems
  • Unlimited Magic
  • Instant Actions
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> GameGuardian, Freedom, Lucky Patcher
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You're probably not changing the right entries because it's working fine for me. If you've already started the quest, you must make the search for the remaining time and change that value. If you haven't started the quest yet, just make the search for the FULL time and change that value before starting the quest.
Ok I’ll give that a try, thanks for the response.
Não dezenas de quem. Estou surpreso que não haja mod para este porque pode ser mudado qual coisa no jogo (incluindo magia e joias) com mecanismo de viagem ou guarda do jogo. Mas para jogar pelo seguro, é melhor alterar apenas a duração das ações E também o tempo de coleta nos edifícios. Usando o mesmo método descrito acima, mudei todos os tempos de coleta para 5 segundos, para que você possua uma rapidação toneladas de magia, moedas e itas de coleção:) // Qual aplicativo vc uSa pra hackear??
Anyone know how do mod the game using game guardian? I'm on Android.
Hello , still using game guardian for it. You have to open search and use the dword search . so you can skip most of the time consuming task. you have to mutiple the seconds. so a 1 hour task is 3600 for the search, just edit all the results (with a 1 or 2) and so on. another is 14400 for the 4 hours tasks. Sorry I do not know how to use it for gems or magic, but the time skip works great and you can use it also for events.
Hello , still using game guardian for it. You have to open search and use the double search . so you can skip most of the time consuming task. you have to mutiple the seconds. so a 1 hour task is 3600 for the search, just edit all the results (with a 1 or or 2) nd sn. another is 14400 for the 4 hours tasks. Sorry I do not know how to use it for gems or magic, but the time skip works great and you can use it also for events.
sorry not Dword, I meant Double...

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