Outdated Ensemble Stars Music Ver. 3.1.6914 MOD Menu APK | Always Perfect | Always Great | Always Good | Auto Play

Click log in fb,after the loading appears,turn off your data or wifi.then type your gmail or number,then password,before clicking log in,turn on wifi or data
Done log in success with fb,but make sure uninstall the fb and fb lite,your can bring it back when you done logging in
Thank you so much! (-^〇^-)
The mod works perfectly, Just playing for one day and today needs update (◡ ω ◡)
Can you please mod the Global ver? It's already available. Im mean that this version is beta, and now we already have official game.
It seems that this mod is for the beta server and the new release in the play store one has different server, would appreciate if you could mod that one. Sucks that i have to start over tbh
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ensemble stars music ensemble stars music mod ensemble stars music platinmods music music sim

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