Can u teach me hw u do it? I cant update this mod onto the inapp purchased mod.. It keeps giving me new game based on this mod.. Im using zarchiver btw..
I'm using laptop since recent OS update made editing on android file is getting restricted and zarchiver somehow hide the game folder in android/data and idk how to show it even the hidden file is checked
1. Connect your device to your pc or laptop
2. Go to android/data and find folder named "com.ilmfinity.evocreo_2" and rename it e.g "com.ilmfinity.evocreo_2xx"
3. After that click the folder and find game and save files both main and temporary, make a backup on these in case there's something happened
Idk what erasing obb does to the game, so I just took precaution by keeping the obb folder
4. Go to android/obb and rename the same files again
5. Uninstall your current apk and install the app purchase mod apk
6. Go back to android/data and android/obb to remove the "xx" on both files
If you wanna go back to the dmg mod just do the renaming again and uninstall the game
Disclaimer I did this when my PM mod is 1.0.8 and the app purchase is 1.0.9, then install the 1.0.10