F faissol Rookie Today at 1:37 AM #241 ashikabi said: Me too,even if the mod is off still stuck on black screen Click to expand... Good
K Kidcat781 Platinian Today at 2:07 AM #243 Ashbell911 said: Wait, you can banned in this game? Click to expand... No it's bug. It's fix at lastest version
Ashbell911 said: Wait, you can banned in this game? Click to expand... No it's bug. It's fix at lastest version
vetzg3ka4 Rookie 55 minutes ago #250 Can you please add exp multiplier? I've find it more essential than anything, leveling up one by one with ascension stones is hard when you want to prestige it, to 13th star to 14th star need lvl200, and the game's QoL isn't much better
Can you please add exp multiplier? I've find it more essential than anything, leveling up one by one with ascension stones is hard when you want to prestige it, to 13th star to 14th star need lvl200, and the game's QoL isn't much better