Hello, firstly, please don't use this dump file, unless you only want to learn something from it, it's outdated, and i have to replace it, with the current version, also, Please apply your research on google, you will find Many things related to your curiosity.hello, can anyone help me . Im tryna find or make a mod for free fire. Is it possible without a pc? Any help will be fine, and how can i use This dump file to mod free fire? Thank you
Pedi ao ChatGPT para escrever um script aimbot e ele o fez. Também mostrou como adicioná-lo aos arquivos do jogo. Mas eu não entendo rs
did some one told you what is dump?owhat is a dump and how to use it
do we have to download an app for this?Dumping Free fire of Free fire max, its done with the same way, gameguardian and lib dumping, and metadata finder with the same header