Not Working 歌マクロス スマホDeカルチャー (Uta Macross Smartphone Deculture) Ver. 5.3.2 Mod Menu [AutoDance + Perfect/Great/Good % Sliders]

Hi Yaskashije, as one of Macross fans, we really appreciate if you are working on a 5.3.1 release, as this version maybe the last one before the closure of game service on 28 June. Thanks.
please update to 5.3.1,thx.without you mod i cant play this game,because i install this mod and then i cant install the original apk

Hi Yaskashije, as one of Macross fans, we really appreciate if you are working on a 5.3.1 release, as this version maybe the last one before the closure of game service on 28 June. Thanks.

:pepe021: :pepe004::pepe002:

How do I fix it? ;-;
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