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FREE MOD [ROOT] GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUM Ver. 1.0.2679.5738 LSPosed Module | Damage & Defense Multiplier | No Skill CD

none root you mean virtual machine right? as for emulators in my case yes virtuals i am not realy sure for me that was an issue in all first of all vphonegaga was moste stable for me but i stopped modding on my phone because it takes out so manny space that it wasnt for my situation
and the second one been there is always an issue in virtual machine capability and the hours i spend to find the one virtual machine fitting for the job i ended up needing more than i wanted to so i started to use the mods on pc first more storage second more capability

my one and only tip would be in this case did you try to reset the device and restart the virtual machine/ mod maybe try that
i mean shut it down the virtual and restart the device if you do this whilest putting it off that doesnt work for me so i dont think for you as wel mine remembers my tabs etc i think it does for you so try i can think off is an issue of the virtual apk must be working the mod as wel
i remembered that my virtual had some issues with forgetting the root and if there is no root the mod doesnt work same goes for Lsposed i had this with vphonegaga and shutting down the virtual+ restarting the device worked in my case doesn't give me instant crash. But still crash when i go to combat exercise.
the examples i gave go lower not higher

i had the newest version installed mine instant crashed with launching the app
Lposed kitsune everything installed

this means you need to downgrade not upgrade!
mine did not crashed at all i can play the full game meaning if you go higher upgrading it you crash instant no launching no nothing not even on a clicking to go to combat exercise for example
so for everyone that the higher number means it works it could work for you
but it also means do not only use the higher number i know its a habit but lower is better in this case
anyone know great setting to make it guaranteed win on military?
because if turn on no CD while both of us had suomi,it ends up no progress till 10th turns and it count as our lose,
and if turnon both damage and defense, somehow my team always lose on auto lol
i got V1 suomi+v1 makiatto,QJ,tololo,V6 ksenia....trying so many formation cant make it works

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