i think you dont get what i mean......its the auto matching pvp when you cant choose your enemy, its only open on lvl 40+yea thats like the easiest mode, refresh till u get a team with only 1 doll and easy win, thats what i do and i dont need the mod for that
just don't use it in pvp. That's my advice.anyone know great setting to make it guaranteed win on military?
because if turn on no CD while both of us had suomi,it ends up no progress till 10th turns and it count as our lose,
and if turnon both damage and defense, somehow my team always lose on auto lol
i got V1 suomi+v1 makiatto,QJ,tololo,V6 ksenia....trying so many formation cant make it works
you have 5 teams to choose from with the rank you have and you can look by clicking on them which kind of team they use and you can choose which one you fight against reward is the same but i was talking about combat exercise couldnt edit my message XDcan you enlight me? on military ranked pvp we cant choose our opponents right? since it auto matched by mmr?
verry true and i was making that pointjust don't use it in pvp. That's my advice.
Don't risk your account for the 'sweatiness' frame that looks absolutely bland.
i meant in general... PVP which mode it is doesnt matter just watch out and do not over do it!!can you enlight me? on military ranked pvp we cant choose our opponents right? since it auto matched by mmr?
Bro stop yappingand the message that there against hackers and modders and they wil watch is to scare you!!! nothing more
the time it takes to find someone who doesnt want to be found either been an bypass or an simple slide in change of vallue or ammount he spends in pvp is much harder for them than the funny heads who use it to the fully fullest to see how far they can go it means you fly under the radar if you do lets say one time combat exercise in lets say for example every 1 time in a monht your not going to be found it was an example just an indicator i used the SAO which game i dont know not SAOIF mod i think not pvp to the max in a event i got banned as soon as i was rank number 1one second later banned no time to react but stil android and ios anti cheat is medium compaired to the emotional damage EAC or battle eye can do i know this i have danced around for kwight a while and got to platinum in arena with hacking in APEX whilest been a fox so yes its a different ball game
just play to enjoy and dont forget tomuch is never good just enough is just doing you fine
Bro stop yapping we know!and thats the point i am making here above i typed dont use an account of vallue which is the point with mods you need to get it in your head pvp is ban!! simpel everyone knows the risks so use an account of no vallue and this will take time to create but in the end its best to do if you dont want to use it on your vallued
but i can say dont use it there are always people who ignore this and take the risk and i adressed them...dare devils lol so to speak XD
im ngl i think this is the short & most helpful answer so thank youWell, dont use it in pvp. Because the effects also apply to the opponents, it willl be just a waste of attempts trying to take down a lvl 5 colgate with over 9000 def.
I swear i had a stroke reading this person comment, no freaking commasBro stop yapping we know!
lmaoI swear i had a stroke reading this person comment, no freaking commas
and his english is all over the place, my brain is melting reading it all.I swear i had a stroke reading this person comment, no freaking commas