yes it comes with mumu player 12 use older version of LDplayer if this is the case thats why i shared the solutionDoes anyone got pink screen
ow good point if it kicks you out your using to much oomph!!anyone know great setting to make it guaranteed win on military?
because if turn on no CD while both of us had suomi,it ends up no progress till 10th turns and it count as our lose,
and if turnon both damage and defense, somehow my team always lose on auto lol
i got V1 suomi+v1 makiatto,QJ,tololo,V6 ksenia....trying so many formation cant make it works
can you enlight me? on military ranked pvp we cant choose our opponents right? since it auto matched by mmr?ow good point if it kicks you out your using to much oomph!!
maybe lower the settings maybe that works has not to do with your team its the power difference fighting the other is my quick guess
SUOMI is a no go i have readed here takes ages to finish and maybe a bann afterwards avoid teams with a SUOMI and your fine or just dont use the mod in pvp because alot of people have them there apparantly OP with the mod XD i am doing combat exercises and i can tell i avoid SUOMI builded teams and i have no problems at all
im talking about military one.....the one for adept V< rankjust avoid using it on pvp in general. The pvp with 3 attempts is really easy if you do some refreshes and find a weak team that was set up on purpose. The one with 5 attempts is just filled with whales ur gonna get flagged for trying to get top 50% or above
yea thats like the easiest mode, refresh till u get a team with only 1 doll and easy win, thats what i do and i dont need the mod for thatim talking about military one.....the one for adept V< rank