Hard to tell, big lvl and CE doesnt mean their doll is stronger, im on rank 100+ now, everyday sometimes i got match against lvl 60 or whale player, and i always win (without mod).
i assume u never try military simulation based on ur point, but let me tell you, the A.I in pvp military simulation is stupid, yeah you encounter against another player but the one controlling it is A.I
so this is my tips if u ever wanna try going up rank ini pvp ranked:
- Always prioritize kill enemy suomi (even if u must sacrifice 1-2 doll)
- Never move ur doll in turn 1 (always let enemy move first)
- Calculate enemy move tile so u can adjust ur starter spawn point so the enemy cant hit you on first turn (this happen with doll that have high tile movement like vanguard or aoe sentinel that have wide aoe atk)
So its really hard to tell who is abuser ini pvp ranked