AWAITING UPDATE GIRLS' FRONTLINE 2: EXILIUM Ver. 1.0.2679.6314 LSPosed Module | Damage & Defense Multiplier | No Skill CD

A newbie here but I'd love to have your build for reference later
Its all the same, all my dps like tololo, makiatto, QJ have every single node in neural helix unlocked, its important because it can increase all the stat to stage 3, and all their afinity is at lvl 5.

as for their weapon substat, every single dps have muzzle with substat atk/atk%/cr/cdm, the rest of attachment like sight, foregrip, underbarrel have atk/atk%/cr.

i'll take a long grinding searching that substat but trust me it'll be worth it, u can wreck any whale in pvp
y'all pls stop asking when the mod will be updated, dewadw is on vacation for 2 weeks okay, let him enjoy his vacation and dont push him around when the next update because we got this shit for free
I dont push anyone. Just asking are there any alternatives? I dont care what it will be, Even Cheat engine table is alright,. Because it is emergency. Event that expired soon is too precious for me.
Well diayan is doll to skip and chapter 8 is definitely doable even hard mode for the day one account ( level 53 fp2 or level 60 for whales ) so it's okay without a mod for the meantime.
Its all the same, all my dps like tololo, makiatto, QJ have every single node in neural helix unlocked, its important because it can increase all the stat to stage 3, and all their afinity is at lvl 5.

as for their weapon substat, every single dps have muzzle with substat atk/atk%/cr/cdm, the rest of attachment like sight, foregrip, underbarrel have atk/atk%/cr.

i'll take a long grinding searching that substat but trust me it'll be worth it, u can wreck any whale in pvp
not saying this is bad, but in Tololo case i think priority gear sub stat will go to cdmg instead of crit rate, coz most of her skills covers like 20-40% crit rate

well, in other words, always read your lovely doll skills description to adjust their gear stats
I dont push anyone. Just asking are there any alternatives? I dont care what it will be, Even Cheat engine table is alright,. Because it is emergency. Event that expired soon is too precious for me.
What level is your comp? Lvl 40 squad with with some calibrated attachment is enough to clear the whole event, especially you can borrow strong unit from friends. Try searching youtube for some guide
The Chinese version of this mod has 25x dmg multiplier, wonder why the modder didn't bring it to the global version
You should play and use the mod there, no matter how much dmg multiplier is used we have to respect it and don't even need to ask questions because the modder has made a global version. I can still rely on dmg ×5 without any trouble

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