How to fix it?
MemoryPatch Coins, Keys;
// etc...
} hexPatches;
bool coins = false;
bool keys = false;
// Hooking examples. Assuming you know how to write hook
void (*old_AddCoins)(void *instance, int _amount); // Your function is void, so use void, not int
void AddCoins(void *instance, int _amount)
if(instance != NULL && coins) // Only execute the code inside the if statement when the user turns on the toggle (Use the bool you created)
old_AddCoins(instance, 9999); /* If you want to just modify parameters of a function, just use the old_FunctionName and change whatever parameter to whatever you like.
Notice how I don't use return, and just call the function, that's because it's a void data type */
old_AddCoins(instance, _amount); // If instance is NULL or something else wrong, call the original function with the **Unedited** parameters
void (*old_AddKeys)(void *instance, int _amount); // Your function is void, so use void, not int
void AddKeys(void *instance, int _amount)
if(instance != NULL && keys) // Only execute the code inside the if statement when the user turns on the toggle (Use the bool you created)
old_AddKeys(instance, 9999); /* If you want to just modify parameters of a function, just use the old_FunctionName and change whatever parameter to whatever you like.
Notice how I don't use return, and just call the function, that's because it's a void data type */
old_AddKeys(instance, _amount); // If instance is NULL or something else wrong, call the original function with the **Unedited** parameters
// we will run our hacks in a new thread so our while loop doesn't block process main thread
void *hack_thread(void *) {
LOGI(OBFUSCATE("pthread created"));
//Check if target lib is loaded
do {
} while (!isLibraryLoaded(targetLibName));
//Anti-lib rename
do {
} while (!isLibraryLoaded(""));*/
LOGI(OBFUSCATE("%s has been loaded"), (const char *) targetLibName);
#if defined(__aarch64__) //To compile this code for arm64 lib only. Do not worry about greyed out highlighting code, it still works
#else //To compile this code for armv7 lib only.
// New way to patch hex via KittyMemory without need to specify len. Spaces or without spaces are fine
// ARMv7 assembly example
// MOV R0, #0x0 = 00 00 A0 E3
// BX LR = 1E FF 2F E1
/*hexPatches.coins = MemoryPatch::createWithHex(targetLibName, //Normal obfuscate
OBFUSCATE("00 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1"));*/
/*hexPatches.keys = MemoryPatch::createWithHex(targetLibName, //Normal obfuscate
OBFUSCATE("00 00 A0 E3 1E FF 2F E1")); */
//You can also specify target lib like this
hexPatches.Coins = MemoryPatch::createWithHex("",
OBFUSCATE("02 01 E0 E3 1E FF 2F E1"));
hexPatches.Keys = MemoryPatch::createWithHex("",
OBFUSCATE("02 01 E0 E3 1E FF 2F E1"));
return NULL;
//JNI calls
extern "C" {
// Do not change or translate the first text unless you know what you are doing
// Assigning feature numbers is optional. Without it, it will automatically count for you, starting from 0
// Assigned feature numbers can be like any numbers 1,3,200,10... instead in order 0,1,2,3,4,5...
// ButtonLink, Category, RichTextView and RichWebView is not counted. They can't have feature number assigned
// Toggle, ButtonOnOff and Checkbox can be switched on by default, if you add True_. Example: CheckBox_True_The Check Box
// To learn HTML, go to this page:
W3Schools Free Online Web Tutorials
JNIEXPORT jobjectArray
Java_uk_lgl_modmenu_FloatingModMenuService_getFeatureList(JNIEnv *env, jobject context) {
jobjectArray ret;
//Toasts added here so it's harder to remove it
MakeToast(env, context, OBFUSCATE("Modded by Bang Modznan"), Toast::LENGTH_LONG);
const char *features[] = {
OBFUSCATE("Category_Menu"), //Not counted
OBFUSCATE("Toggle_Unlimited Coins"),
OBFUSCATE("Toggle_Unlimited Keys"),
//Create new collapse
OBFUSCATE("Subscribe My Youtube Channel"),
OBFUSCATE("CollapseAdd_Toggle_The toggle"),
//Create new collapse again
OBFUSCATE("Collapse_Collapse 2"),
OBFUSCATE("CollapseAdd_SeekBar_The slider_1_100"),
OBFUSCATE("CollapseAdd_InputValue_Input number"),
OBFUSCATE("RichTextView_This is text view, not fully HTML."
"<b>Bold</b> <i>italic</i> <u>underline</u>"
"<br />New line <font color='red'>Support colors</font>"
"<br/><big>bigger Text</big>"),
OBFUSCATE("RichWebView_<html><head><style>body{color: white;}</style></head><body>"
"This is WebView, with REAL HTML support!"
"<div style=\"background-color: darkblue; text-align: center;\">Support CSS</div>"
"<marquee style=\"color: green; font-weight:bold;\" direction=\"left\" scrollamount=\"5\" behavior=\"scroll\">This is <u>scrollable</u> text</marquee>"
//Now you dont have to manually update the number everytime;
int Total_Feature = (sizeof features / sizeof features[0]);
ret = (jobjectArray)
env->NewObjectArray(Total_Feature, env->FindClass(OBFUSCATE("java/lang/String")),
for (int i = 0; i < Total_Feature; i++)
env->SetObjectArrayElement(ret, i, env->NewStringUTF(features
pthread_t ptid;
pthread_create(&ptid, NULL, antiLeech, NULL);
return (ret);
Java_uk_lgl_modmenu_Preferences_Changes(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject obj,
jint featNum, jstring featName, jint value,
jboolean boolean, jstring str) {
LOGD(OBFUSCATE("Feature name: %d - %s | Value: = %d | Bool: = %d | Text: = %s"), featNum,
env->GetStringUTFChars(featName, 0), value,
boolean, str != NULL ? env->GetStringUTFChars(str, 0) : "");
switch (featNum) {
case 0:
coins = !coins;
case 1:
keys = !keys;