Tutorial How to inject mod menu into DLL based Unity games (Mono backend ONLY)

I don't work with this Menu, but normally you must declare ( using ) the Menu before you can call anything in it.
Which mean you must write " using TgmM; " or anything like that.

Not this Menu, it works with "using UnityEngine;", it's allready declared on his screenshot

@DaRealPanDa, Thanks for the tip, I am going to try that now.

Maybe u should try to work with the menu, without renaming it, work with UnityModMenuAndroid: to learn how the menu works correctly.
@Tigress works great, u do something wrong with the OnGui MyGUI :D

here is your Menu ...

And you should write it like this:
"<color=yellow>This mod apk file is provided by\n ### Tigress™ ###</color>"

\n !!! and it will look like this here:


should look like this....
        if (YourModMenuName.toggle1)
            if (GUI.Button(YourModMenuName.BtnRect(1, false), "Add 1000000 Gold: ON", YourModMenuName.OnStyle))
                yourModMenuName.toggle1 = false;
        else if (GUI.Button(YourModMenuName.BtnRect(1, false), "Add 1000000 Gold: OFF", YourModMenuName.OffStyle))
            YourModMenuName.toggle1 = true;

should look like this....
        if (YourModMenuName.toggle1)
            if (GUI.Button(YourModMenuName.BtnRect(1, false), "Add 1000000 Gold: ON", YourModMenuName.OnStyle))
                yourModMenuName.toggle1 = false;
        else if (GUI.Button(YourModMenuName.BtnRect(1, false), "Add 1000000 Gold: OFF", YourModMenuName.OffStyle))
            YourModMenuName.toggle1 = true;

I can get on/off and multi buttons to work but not where you push the button and it does the desired effect. here is the code AndnixSH has in the menu

/// Clicker Button // You can add own code or re-use code to do something fun like
// Instant win: Class1.scenario.InstantWin();
if (GUI.Button(BtnRect(4, false), "Instant win", BtnStyle))

@✟LiL-PEEP✟, thanks for the colour correction & explanation.
Please is there a way I could get screenshots of how you added all the codes to the class "not the active classes".

Never mind about the screenshots, I just want to confirm something.

The circled text, are they meant to be the same class?
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