My dream has finally come true. The developer of Il2CppDumper added a new feature called DummyDll which convert Cpp back to IL using Mono.Cecil.dll. DummyDLL is only useful for analyzing
After you dump Il2Cpp, you will get DummyDll folder contaning DLL files, you know.
And viewing it in dnSpy
Don't get excited, you can't add DLLs back in Il2Cpp games and method body still not possible to dump yet but DummyDLL still useful for searching and analyzing
Try it out: Releases · Perfare/Il2CppDumper · GitHub
After you dump Il2Cpp, you will get DummyDll folder contaning DLL files, you know.
And viewing it in dnSpy
Don't get excited, you can't add DLLs back in Il2Cpp games and method body still not possible to dump yet but DummyDLL still useful for searching and analyzing
Try it out: Releases · Perfare/Il2CppDumper · GitHub