Private Server Immortal Legend Ver. 1.3 Private Server | Glory H5 | English | Free VIP/SVIP | Daily Free Recharge | Many Events | UTC+8

Don't even try to play in this server. He kicks people out from the discord server and bans people when they call him out. He's only in it for the money. Imagine playing for months then just because he gets called out for the smallest things he gets rid of you. You sir, are a major SOB. Your server is trash and you are trash.
Im sure its the reason why he entirely changed the name of his server ,probably scammed too once again dont forget that he gave Obito away in the last server hahaha
Im sure its the reason why he entirely changed the name of his server ,probably scammed too once again dont forget that he gave Obito away in the last server hahaha
It's another time zone, it can't be on the same domain.
The zplay server remains active.

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