E Enoch125316743 Rookie Nov 22, 2024 #2,951 Can anyone update this? I have an apk and a link for a translation by Imouto_prpr on f95. Apk: ttps://www.mediafire.com/file/8t87x5nixvgbhew/[JP]+Imouto+Life+Fantasy+ver1.2.1+++DLC.apk/file Translation: ttps://mega.nz/folder/QOcVVZbB#zO2gHcx_IRIqVzaWYvpwzw I've been waiting for months and I'm starting to getting desperate. Can't post links so just add h to the start. I hope someone sees this and does something.
Can anyone update this? I have an apk and a link for a translation by Imouto_prpr on f95. Apk: ttps://www.mediafire.com/file/8t87x5nixvgbhew/[JP]+Imouto+Life+Fantasy+ver1.2.1+++DLC.apk/file Translation: ttps://mega.nz/folder/QOcVVZbB#zO2gHcx_IRIqVzaWYvpwzw I've been waiting for months and I'm starting to getting desperate. Can't post links so just add h to the start. I hope someone sees this and does something.