Open Request Kingdom Guard:Tower Defense TD


Platinian On Fire

Game Name: Kingdom Guard:Tower Defense TD

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link:

Cheat Requested:
  • One hit kill
  • Premium access
  • No ads
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> GK, GG
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Upvote 84
Do something other than just completing stages—the game has much more to offer! There's the server map, events, interaction with other players (PvP), and the player’s castle with buildings that have different functions. Overall, there’s a lot to explore for creating cheats, like timers, attack ranges, troop movement, and more. If anyone can make something, I’m willing to pay ($50-$500 budget).
Do something other than just completing stages—the game has much more to offer! There's the server map, events, interaction with other players (PvP), and the player’s castle with buildings that have different functions. Overall, there’s a lot to explore for creating cheats, like timers, attack ranges, troop movement, and more. If anyone can make something, I’m willing to pay ($50-$500 budget).
well, I've already found it, but the offer is relevant, I need developers

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