Open Request Legend of Blades



Game Name: Legend of Blades

Google Play Store Link: Legend of Blades - Apps on Google Play

APK Link: -

Cheat Requested: VIP and MOD MENU dmg & def multiplier god mod

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Which one? (Examples: GameKiller, GameGuardian, SBGameHacker, Freedom, CreeHack, etc.)
No -> im not rooted
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This is a "open world"-mmorpg on phone, in 99,99% of the time all games like this are fully ( means 100% ) server-sided and not modable.
So don't bring up much hope buddys.
Not directly rejected, but yeah.
This is a "open world"-mmorpg on phone, in 99,99% of the time all games like this are fully ( means 100% ) server-sided and not modable.
So don't bring up much hope buddys.
Not directly rejected, but yeah.

I think you might have gotten it mixed up with the dynasty game with a similar name? This is definitely not open world. It's an idle rpg with "stage scenes".

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