Private Server Magic Contract II - 3D MMORPG Ver. 2.0.1 Private Server | GameFullVIP | English | MaxVIP15 | Hunt BOSS drop Diamond | Free 1st TOPUP | Full Giftcode

So sad, you cannot have a conversation with others in game because you must top up first for you to be able to use in game chat. World chat, Guild Chat, Personal Message, none of them works if you play without top up..


And why you guy so serious about this game?
It give free VIP, some free topup package, farm BOSS drop diamond. Just farm day-by-day, you can get up to 1,000,000,000,000,000 Battle Power ( 1000 billion not hard to get)
Just play few days, all function you request will open!
Cevap oyuncularının sorusu için saklayın!

Tüm fonksiyonların ve kodların çalıştığını doğrulamak ister misiniz?

1. Bir Hesap Oluşturun ve İlk Giriş Ödülünü talep etmek için 1 dakika oynayın:
Ödüller: VIP 12 statüsü + çok sayıda Bağlı Elmas.

2. 10 Dakika Oynayın:
- Oyundan çıkın, tekrar yükleyin ve size verilen 11 hediye kodunu girin.
- Envanterinizdeki tüm öğeleri kullanın:
+ VIP 13 statüsüne ulaşın ve şunları kazanın:
+ 888.888 Bağlı Elmas
+ 300.000 normal Elmas

3. İsteğe bağlı:
- 30.000 Elmas paketini satın alarak ilk yüklemenizi yapın.

4. Cross-Boss Avlarını Test Edin:
- Patronların yenildiğinde Elmas düşürdüğünü doğrulayın (elmas değişimini kontrol edin)
- Daha yüksek seviyeli bosslar daha fazla Elmas kazandırır, boss başına 500 ile 3.000 arasında değişir.

5. (İsteğe bağlı) Fan Sayfalarını veya Gruplarını Kontrol Edin:
- Bazen yöneticiler Facebook ve Discord üzerinden doğrudan ücretsiz yüklemeler sağlıyor!


Ve siz bu oyun konusunda neden bu kadar ciddisiniz?
Ücretsiz VIP, bazı ücretsiz yükleme paketleri, çiftlik BOSS elmas düşürme verir. Sadece günlük çiftlik yapın, Savaş Gücüne kadar alabilirsiniz (1000 milyar elde etmek zor değil)
Güzel bir oyun
And why you guy so serious about this game?
It give free VIP, some free topup package, farm BOSS drop diamond. Just farm day-by-day, you can get up to 1,000,000,000,000,000 Battle Power ( 1000 billion not hard to get)
Just play few days, all function you request will open!
Chill, people nowadays are spoon fed. Just like, They want you to serve them everything while on bed.
And why you guy so serious about this game?
It give free VIP, some free topup package, farm BOSS drop diamond. Just farm day-by-day, you can get up to 1,000,000,000,000,000 Battle Power ( 1000 billion not hard to get)
Just play few days, all function you request will open!
Sorry late reply.

Tell me just one beautiful thing of how your flawless overpower 1,000,000,000,000,000 Battle Power with mesmerizing FREE VIP, JUST only ONE thing, of how players can use "marry/couple" feature inside the game? Can't chat? How to tell players that, "oh, let's be a couple so we can do the dungeon together, and play with joy together"

Such a clumsy and boring reply from you as the game provider.
unfortunately the daily unbound diamonds don't count as a top up/recharge

even with max vip whoopty doo can't
create a guild
cant buy the good items in that one shop

its no wonder why there's only 3 guilds in the game
games like this would usually have hundreds if not thousands of guilds
unfortunately the daily unbound diamonds don't count as a top up/recharge

even with max vip whoopty doo can't
create a guild
cant buy the good items in that one shop

its no wonder why there's only 3 guilds in the game
games like this would usually have hundreds if not thousands of guilds

Thanks for the heads up, skipping this game lmao
Thanks for the heads up, skipping this game lmao
its actually not that bad
I've spent $14.99 twice

its the only amount they have via paypal payment

the base payment method involves prepaid phone cards or something like that
I had to hunt around the payment page to even discover a PayPal option

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