Open Request Mario Kart tour



Game Name: Mario Kart tour

Google Play Store Link: Mario Kart Tour - Apps on Google Play

APK Link:
Mario Kart for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested: If it's possible can we have infinite Gold and rubies.(currency)

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes, I've tried SbHacker, cheat engine but it crashes my game or it resets.


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Unlimited Coins and tickets are possible. I got Banned for maxing them, nothing I care because I get bored, the game is short.

For coins you need be racing, searching unknown Dword then changed/unchanged. When you get you value add value, just add 999 999, the max amount of winning coins per day is 300 I think, just change some values that comes after 119 or 112 I dont remember before coin value to(add) 999 999 and you finish the race, now you have infinite coins. Some of thouse value are racing place, so you finish in place in place 999 999. Just practice and youl find the right ones, its pain in The ass not worth it, because you cant spend the money as you want it to, only once per day ?

For tickets you need about 6-7 tickets if your lucky and if you search smart like change unchanged, spend some coins come back to ticket search unchanged bla bla not 0 not between 100 000 - -100 000 and so on. When you find it, if its minus remove one number if its + add one number and you have unlimited tickets. If you find the other ticket calculate space between them - + and youll find the other tickets without having them. When you have unlimited tickets they dont decrease when you spend them, try to to be fast and smart, copy the value for 1 or 2 and change the value back to its original and mabey mabey you dont get Banned.
Unlimited Coins and tickets are possible. I got Banned for maxing them, nothing I care because I get bored, the game is short.

For coins you need be racing, searching unknown Dword then changed/unchanged. When you get you value add value, just add 999 999, the max amount of winning coins per day is 300 I think, just change some values that comes after 119 or 112 I dont remember before coin value to(add) 999 999 and you finish the race, now you have infinite coins. Some of thouse value are racing place, so you finish in place in place 999 999. Just practice and youl find the right ones, its pain in The ass not worth it, because you cant spend the money as you want it to, only once per day ?

For tickets you need about 6-7 tickets if your lucky and if you search smart like change unchanged, spend some coins come back to ticket search unchanged bla bla not 0 not between 100 000 - -100 000 and so on. When you find it, if its minus remove one number if its + add one number and you have unlimited tickets. If you find the other ticket calculate space between them - + and youll find the other tickets without having them. When you have unlimited tickets they dont decrease when you spend them, try to to be fast and smart, copy the value for 1 or 2 and change the value back to its original and mabey mabey you dont get Banned.

Awesome! it would be nice if you make a tutorial so we can try with a second account.

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