[Rufian Mobile V20 - Update 29/11]

New Giftcode: rufian1219

New update on Server Dungeons: Kalima - Infernal Canyon - Harmageddon - Cry Wolf have a dungeon ticket reward

The new Dungeon tickets are used to exchange in Festival Event - Dungeon Exchange

New Talisman Box 3 (tier 51 - 100)

Can get from Craft - Talisman

New Dungeon Journal

The [Item]Dungeon 1-10 can get from [Item]Dungeon box on Festival Event - Dungeon Exchange

Rework Guild Boss System

Now each of the bosses have special drops

They will have 30 minutes to complete each boss (time limit)

Each boss will drop materials, boxs and fragments

New [Wings] [Costume] [Weapon] [Footprint] [Mount] Accessories

Can be get on Craft - Rufian Craft

Each type box contains 6 uniques Accessories

Update reward on Couple Blessing

Now can get Luxury materials box in the top 10 ranking

New 10 levels for [Premium] Costumes / Wings

Fix Footprint box 1 (now drop all footprints)

Update Reverse level UP

Now should be easy level up the reverse character
