New Vip Mod


Hello Modderator. i just wanna ask. when will the new Vip mod will come out??. cause i see there are still no new Vip mod. and i hope it will be popular game. just asking by the way. ?. .but i will always waiting and also be patien. until that new Vip mod will come out. Have are nice and great day.
Which ViP Mod do you mean buddy with " the new vip mod "?
Our ViP Mods depends on the difficult to mod the Game, not how popular a game is. Only because a game is played by 10 million People means not that the Mod will get ViP when the Game is easy to mod. So it take a long time to add new vip mods, cuz the high protection from the Games which are worth for ViP.
Which ViP Mod do you mean buddy with " the new vip mod "?
Our ViP Mods depends on the difficult to mod the Game, not how popular a game is. Only because a game is played by 10 million People means not that the Mod will get ViP when the Game is easy to mod. So it take a long time to add new vip mods, cuz the high protection from the Games which are worth for ViP.
I see now i know. and understand what you mean. i tought when it come to popular game it will be Vip mod. ?. its mean when the game difficult to mod then it will be Vip. but as far as i know. most of popular game is difficult to mod right. cause it have highly protection. .sorry cause i didit know about that.thank for the explantion buddy. and thanks for you time also your reply. very appricate it.
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