Game Name: NVIDIA GeForce NOW
Google Play Store Link:
APK Link:

GeForce NOW APK for Android Download
GeForce NOW Latest Version APK download for Android. GEFORCE RTX-POWERED CLOUD GAMING

Cheat Requested:
1- Option to play 2560 x 1440 resolution and 120 FPS is only available for users with a GFN 3080 subscription BUT only on certain Samsung Galaxy models and Pixel 6 Pro. It's hidden for other phones with 120Hz displays
2- Option to play with 3840x2160 resolution and 60 FPS is only available for us with a GFN 3080 subscription that have an Nvidia Shield TV. It's hidden for other android devices
Have you tried any cheat engines?:
No -> Lack of skills and knowledge to mod apps. I tried but it failed
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