Tutorial [Outdated] How to load dumped Il2Cpp function names in IDA Pro


PMT Elite Modder
Staff member
This is old tutorial. Follow new tutorial How to use il2cpp.h, script.json and stringliteral.json (Il2CppDumper) - Platinmods.com - Android & iOS MODs, Mobile Games & Apps

Did you saw script.py after dumping and you don't know what it is? it's a generated python script to load function names in IDA

First of all, you must dump il2cpp games using Il2CppDumper. Follow the tutorial [Videotutorial] How to dump and mod Il2cpp games (advanced modders only!) - TUTORIALS - Tutorial

Install Python 2.7 Python Release Python 2.7.15

After dump, you will see script.py located in location where Il2CppDumper.exe is located

Open IDA Pro, disassemble a binary file and let it fully load

Click on File -> Script File…


Select the script.py file to run


Wait around 30 seconds

Done. Now you can see function names in IDA Pro


AndnixSH (Tutorial)
Perfare (Il2CppDumper)
Last edited:
To be clear, Il2Cpp stripped all function names out of lib. You can load the function names back in IDA Pro with the generated script so you can analyze functions easier
e in this case it only works in games no unity type libgame.so / libcocos2dcpp.so / libcocos2dlua.so / libapp.so / libcore.so
e in this case it only works in games no unity type libgame.so / libcocos2dcpp.so / libcocos2dlua.so / libapp.so / libcore.so
Correct. For other native games, open directly in IDA and search for function names. But if there are no names (stripped), then maybe guess, search string or debug it
Don't expect that you can do the same way as Il2Cpp
Tôi đang gặp một số vấn đề, có ai có thể giúp tôi không?
Cụ thể là dùng IDA pro để phân tích GameAssembly Game Unity đã được xây dựng bằng IL2pp nhưng sau khi tải script về thì bị mã hóa thêm một lớp nữa, tất cả các phương pháp đều đã được babel obfuscator thực hiện rồi, ai có kinh nghiệm giúp với? Tôi đang ở giai đoạn này với bạn
I'm having some problems, can anyone help me?
Specifically, use IDA pro to analyze GameAssembly Game Unity has been built with IL2pp, but after downloading the script, it is encrypted one more layer, all methods are already done by babel obfuscator, anyone with experience can help? I'm at this stage with you
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ida pro load .py file open .py file python python 2.7
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