yeap. He upldated and then force close and im going to do steps with version.diff and .init step is old mod update 500 mb -> follow tutorial -> install pre patch 58
but final step my game update 500mb again
in 1st step you install old mod?
oke your LD is 64bit or 32bit?yeap. He upldated and then force close and im going to do steps with version.diff and .init shit.
Btw in version.diff u can find 2 "guareder"! U should change only Guarder.INIT
64 bitoke your LD is 64bit or 32bit?
all fail my game update again in final step64 bit
Berarti solusi nya gimana gan? Kalau di uninstall trus di install lagi bisa masuk nggak?Updatenya jam 12 siang, tanpa sepengetahuan.
gw td coba ga bisaBerarti solusi nya gimana gan? Kalau di uninstall trus di install lagi bisa masuk nggak?
Ini mah kucing kucing sama Dev nyagw td coba ga bisa
thx you