M murfidya Rookie Jul 20, 2021 #151 kemaren sy coba masih bisa, sekarang kyknya udah dipatch. sy coba kok black screen
M minhminh0405 Platinian Jul 20, 2021 #154 please update the mod, black screen when entering the game is going on, thanks a lot
B Budi Bukaka Rookie Jul 20, 2021 #155 are there any bugs? please fix it as soon as possible before the new server opens, I wanted to play the game but there was a black screen, so please fix it as soon as possible.
are there any bugs? please fix it as soon as possible before the new server opens, I wanted to play the game but there was a black screen, so please fix it as soon as possible.
G Gagfhnbfgu Rookie Jul 20, 2021 #158 When I entering the game and it's turned to dark screen please help
R RichardYp Solid & Active Platinian Jul 20, 2021 #160 Just wait guys may be the creator is working for update and it will come soon