I registerd can i get pokemons?
sent pokemon to both of you go to trades view the trade then complete then pokemons go to your box so then u can use themFirst I would like to thank you, you are awesome! I just started the game, so any Pokemon you can give me will be appreciated, my in game name is Gokuchiku ,thank you!
Omg! thank you very much! got the pokemons!Never head of that … very stupid of them if you have never had an account before should be an email on the ban page... with that stupid gif they put there send them quick email ask them could an error
thank you, got them!sent pokemon to both of you go to trades view the trade then complete then pokemons go to your box so then u can use them
Ok, thank you sir , I'll be waitingI can give you good pokemon to start with but not sure I have these pokemons you ask for
not possible nocould i hack this game using game.guardian?
they will ban your account if you make another one i see that u did so i will send pokes to FreakishI registered .. can you give me any strong pokemons my id: Freakish