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Open Request Ragnarok X: Next Generation


Solid & Active Platinian

Game Name: Ragnarok X: Next Generation

Google Play Store Link:

APK Link: Ragnarok X: Next Generation has officially launched now!

Cheat Requested:
The important thing is that I can be use cheated, whatever mod I receive. if you can make the mod menu so that it can be turned on and off and reduce the banned ratio because using mods it's not sadistic

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Game Guardian
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Upvote 1
Cuek dengan gamenya karena terlalu ribet dengan job dan kumpulin material buat crafting, parahnya lagi terlalu auto banget gak kayak dulu.

Bahkan makanan aja kamu harus kumpulin ini itu, gak seperti RO Eternal Love dimana bahan makanan bisa dibeli dan gak perlu crafting wajan, panci dll sama sekali, langsung olah aja selama bahannya siap.

Bekas pemain RO Eternal Love 1.5 tahun dan stop karena gak ada waktu buat main lagi walau ada fitur auto-farm.
Man, its very hard to Mod this game because they are very active to Ban players who caught using cheats/mod and they wont be able to play this game anymore, except if you are using mutiple accounts.

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