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Not Working Raziel Rebirth: Dungeon Raid Ver. 2.0.4 (5275) MOD MENU APK | Damage multiplier | Defense multiplier | No cooldown

Stuck up at start. Game freezes
Nope always freezes
Tested on LDPlayer 9 Unsigned apk and always force close and even open it freezes at the beginning
Game crashes on the lowest settings on the strongest Samsung phone out first thing in the game about to start then crash sad.
The game is crash like hell,can't even playing
Try download fixed apk. If it does not help, please read troubleshooting carefully, and provide crash logs

Save your data and time, dont download as it freezes as soon as you're about to start moving your character.
Mod is fixed. If it still crashes, please read troubleshooting carefully, and provide crash logs
Okie,thx sir
I don't have any problem...right now game working fine,only problem what i have,is impossible to bind account on google or fb.
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adventure raziel rebirth: dungeon raid raziel rebirth: dungeon raid cheat raziel rebirth: dungeon raid hack raziel rebirth: dungeon raid mod

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