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btw many people are confused about how to mods work, so I'll just explain it in the most humanly as possible.
1. Player Hack
Is working normally and you can see it for urself.
2. Campaign Hack
Exp, Gold, Dias, Medal. where it comes after the stage ended (the hack will comes with the reward but deleting other reward)
This Hack work but kinda tricky, the thing is you can't stack the Campaign's Hack.
For Example: You want a Exp Hack, so you turn ON the Exp, but don't turn on any other hack, until it finish.
if you turn ON both Exp and Gold hack, the one who count will be the last Turned ON.
3. The Free Costume and Buy with Dias.
Buy with Dias hack iont really know how it work, but The Free costume, it will change all the Numerical (in game number) to "1", so don't turn it on if you want to claim any quest reward, just turn it on when you want to get the costume, and turn it off again.
4. Ticket Hack do well.
5. Character Unlocked seems bugged, so if you can get it work you can reply to this thread.

Other Hack that i don't mention mean it work well with some common sense.
btw many people are confused about how to mods work, so I'll just explain it in the most humanly as possible.
1. Player Hack
Is working normally and you can see it for urself.
2. Campaign Hack
Exp, Gold, Dias, Medal. where it comes after the stage ended (the hack will comes with the reward but deleting other reward)
This Hack work but kinda tricky, the thing is you can't stack the Campaign's Hack.
For Example: You want a Exp Hack, so you turn ON the Exp, but don't turn on any other hack, until it finish.
if you turn ON both Exp and Gold hack, the one who count will be the last Turned ON.
3. The Free Costume and Buy with Dias.
Buy with Dias hack iont really know how it work, but The Free costume, it will change all the Numerical (in game number) to "1", so don't turn it on if you want to claim any quest reward, just turn it on when you want to get the costume, and turn it off again.
4. Ticket Hack do well.
5. Character Unlocked seems bugged, so if you can get it work you can reply to this thread.

Other Hack that i don't mention mean it work well with some common sense.
Thanks to my friends for helping explain it to them.
Everything works except character unlock .. it has bugs
how to use it is kinda tricky, you have to turn off the Hack first, then press the Any Character that already unlocked, then when it come to Naming the Characters, you switch the hack ON, don't close it just continue inputing ur name, when the game start it'll become the Characters that you Unlock by Hack
how to use it is kinda tricky, you have to turn off the Hack first, then press the Any Character that already unlocked, then when it come to Naming the Characters, you switch the hack ON, don't close it just continue inputing ur name, when the game start it'll become the Characters that you Unlock by Hack
Yes Since the developer has a security system, so in my menu it might be a bit cumbersome, but don't worry, on the 30th, the game will be updated again, I will fix more problems and make it easier to use.
how to use it is kinda tricky, you have to turn off the Hack first, then press the Any Character that already unlocked, then when it come to Naming the Characters, you switch the hack ON, don't close it just continue inputing ur name, when the game start it'll become the Characters that you Unlock by Hack
Ok now it's clear i'll try it out again tyvm
Which features are safe to use if we plan on using our accounts for PvP and Events? I don't mind not using currency mods but if there are things this mod has that can help boost an account without getting banned that would be appreciated.

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