Not Working SoulEater: Ultimate control fighting action game! Ver. 1.24 MOD APK | One Hit Kill

In short, everything is clear, most of the mod does not work (
Signed mod is useless in this game !!!!
I made unsigned apk myself from the above mod. Google Account Sync works!
I played a little on unsigned mod, bought gold and energy, deleted the mod, installed the original game again through the market, went through my account and ... gold and energy were in place)))) and there were no glitches in the game!


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Signed mod is useless in this game !!!!
I made unsigned apk myself from the above mod. Google Account Sync works!
I played a little on unsigned mod, bought gold and energy, deleted the mod, installed the original game again through the market, went through my account and ... gold and energy were in place)))) and there were no glitches in the game!
You can use the non-root lucky patcher trick. Install the original game from playstore. Log in with Google account. Then use lucky patcher to reinstall the game and copy obb over.
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