Source Telekill - Forward Assault v1.2003 (iOS Source)


Original poster
Jul 16, 2018
This is a very simple example & forward assault is the easiest game I did it on.
It can be modified to work on other games.

Note: This is iOS source code, it can be modified to work on Android with a few things. But I can't be bothered to also check this out on android.

// Don't worry to much about this, you just need this for location handling.
class Vector3 {
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  Vector3() : x(0), y(0), z(0) {}
  Vector3(float x1, float y1, float z1) : x(x1), y(y1), z(z1) {}
  Vector3(const Vector3 &v);
Vector3::Vector3(const Vector3 &v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
Vector3::~Vector3() {}

Function pointers that will be used in this hack.
//public Transform get_transform() ---> Class Component
void *(*Component_GetTransform)(void *component) = (void *(*)(void *))getRealOffset(0x101F84228); 

//private void INTERNAL_set_position(Vector3 value) ---> Class Transform
void (*Transform_INTERNAL_set_position)(void *transform, Vector3 newPosition) = (void (*)(void *, Vector3))getRealOffset(0x101FAB724);

//private void INTERNAL_get_position(out Vector3 value) --> get the object of a transform
void (*Transform_INTERNAL_get_position)(void *transform, Vector3 *out) = (void (*)(void *, Vector3 *))getRealOffset(0x101FAB7D0);

Utility functions which will help us with some checks.
// Utility function to get a players location.
Vector3 GetPlayerLocation(void *player) {
  Vector3 location;
  Transform_INTERNAL_get_position(Component_GetTransform(player), &location);

  return location; 

// Utility function to get a players health
float GetPlayerHealth(void *player) {
  //private float FEHAJLBCGIN; // 0x1EC
  return *(float*)((uint64_t)player + 0x1EC);

// Utility function to check if a enemy is dead
bool isPlayerDead(void *player) {
  if(GetPlayerHealth(player) < 1) {
    return true;

  return false;

// Utility function to get a players team number
int GetPlayerTeam(void *player) {
  //private int BMFGOOEECIC; // 0x210 --> Player
  return *(int*)((uint64_t)player + 0x210);

//Creating a null objects for enemy & my player. It will be asigned later inside the actual hook.
void *enemyPlayer = NULL;
void *myPlayer = NULL;

// Hook code
void(*old_Player_Update)(void *player);
void Player_Update(void *player) {

  //public bool isMine; // 0xCC
  bool isMine = *(bool*)((uint64_t)player + 0xCC);

  //getting my player
  if(isMine) {
    myPlayer = player;

  // getting enemy player by checking whether the other players team is the same as mine
  if(myPlayer) {
    if(GetPlayerTeam(myPlayer) != GetPlayerTeam(player)) {
      enemyPlayer = player;


  // Checking if enemyPlayer object is not null
  if(enemyPlayer) {
    // checking if it's not dead, if it is enemyPlayer is NULL & it should look for a new one.
    if(!isPlayerDead(enemyPlayer)) {
      if([switches isSwitchOn:@"Teleport to Enemy"]) {
        Vector3 enemyLocation = GetPlayerLocation(enemyPlayer);
        // You can mod these values to your liking 
        Transform_INTERNAL_set_position(Component_GetTransform(myPlayer), Vector3(enemyLocation.x, enemyLocation.y, enemyLocation.z - 1));
    } else {
      enemyPlayer = NULL;

//private void Update(); --> Class: Player (bigger one)
HOOK(0x101743A8C, Player_Update, old_Player_Update);
If you use this source in hacks, I'd appreciate actual credits.