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Not Working Warlord Nest M (Dragon Nest M Private Server)

Update on Mall, Pandora's Hearts now on sale!
?? You will find an item called:
"Pandora's Lucky Pack"
but you will recive ?
"Pandora's Heart" Like shows this image below.

Update en Tienda, ahora hay Corazones de Pandora!
?? En la tienda verás el item que dice:
"Paquete de Fortunda de pandora"
pero al comprar recibirás ?
"Corazón de Pandora" como se ve en la imagen.

yeah i leave this game too... i consider to spend the money in here...
i always play private server and always consider to play in private server 5-8 days to see... if i like the experience, no lag issue, etc
ill absolutely will donate, but in this server? nope...
Thanks for Play! Hope you found a new server

We had to put this sign on our TopUp Fanpage, because people from another privated servers write us to topup, but they didint know are playing another server, not our server. The problem its on the other privated server took our apk (im ok with that free to use) and forgot edit some things like the topup page of the apk.