Outdated Wheel of Fortune Free Play Ver. 3.69.1 MOD APK | MENU | Auto Solved

- can't spend diamonds on anything except energy tickets, when they ask if you want to refill, that's the only thing you can spend diamonds

- can't buy anything in the store, including spending diamonds on stuff there

- with the mod turned off and playing normally, can't solve puzzle sometimes, even if you put it correctly it will say incorrect. Happened twice in a row on the Caribbean special event. I solved an easy puzzle spelled correctly and it said incorrect

- can't spend diamonds to enter tournaments, trying to spend diamonds takes you to the store.

- the AI will auto win if you have the mod switched on and you pass your turn or If you activate it on their turn

- doesn't work on some special modes like different game modes etc
UPDATE: You cant even spend diamonds on energy refills now. Trying to do it takes you to the store. I am sitting at full diamonds and I can't spend them on anything.
@Entropic i dosn´t change anything on spending or buy, only the auto win.
If you have problem with this, it comes 90%from the game self.
If you activate the mod on enemy turn then he wins.
Activate it on your turn and choose a letter. If its right or wrong you win instant.
I played it only to the 2nd stage and testing only the main game.
@Entropic i dosn´t change anything on spending or buy, only the auto win.
If you have problem with this, it comes 90%from the game self.
If you activate the mod on enemy turn then he wins.
Activate it on your turn and choose a letter. If its right or wrong you win instant.
I played it only to the 2nd stage and testing only the main game.
The game acts as if you have zero diamonds it seems. Next to my diamonds currency it says "Full". I even tested this by collecting diamonds from achievements completed to make sure it wasn't just a visual bug, and even then trying to spend diamonds just takes you to the store as if to tell you that you don't have any diamonds and you need to buy some.

It's ok since I gave up on the game once I learned that there is no real pvp. You only fight AI controlled player profiles.
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