Outdated Card Wars Kingdom Ver. 1.19.0 MOD APK | Unlimited AP

Hello, is there a way to put the gems in negative numbers or are they infinite?
Not entirely sure. The reason the AP goes negative is specifically because of a missing link between the UI and the method I called. I have already attempted a few things towards gems, but it did not stick, so I moved on for now.
Hello brother, could you make a private World of Warriors server.
I do not make private servers personally. This task resides in the grey area, to my understanding regarding laws, and I'm not much of a server data collector anyways. Too annoying to work with for little reward lol.
Great mod @GuzJ 😍😍

Im unable to connect to the server atm, is there perhaps an ongoing maintenance?
I don't keep up with updates of any such until a comment is placed for free public releases, so I do not know sorry. Whoever put up the server may be experiencing issues or may even shut it down. Hope for the best ahah.
Not working on my phone

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