Outdated BattleHand Ver. 1.17.0 MOD APK | High HP | Premium | Inf. Raidkeys | Instant Card LVL-Up | MOD ON/OFF

After updating to Android 11, this app now instantly crashes upon opening. I do have storage access enabled (just as I did in Android 10) and I see that the file was created successfully even though the app crashed. I simply can not open the app. PlayStore version of course works fine. I am rooted, but that doesn't seem to help me any. Can't test with the unsigned apk as I can't install it. Also can't use LuckyPatcher to patch to Android in 11.
Hi, there's a new update for the app I tried to download it from the play store but once I get there it automatically closes. I use the X-plore app to turn on/off the mod. I'm supposed to do something before trying to download the update? Thank you anyone in advance for the help!!
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