Open Request Doctor Who Legacy version 3.5.2



Game Name: Doctor Who Legacy

APK Link: Doctor Who for Android - APK Download

Cheat Requested:
Unlock all content areas:
-Bigger on the Inside
-Sonic Adventures
-Husbands of River Song
-The Fan Area
-Kids Area
-Tricksrer Team

Have you tried any cheat engines?:
Yes -> Which one? Luckypatcher
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The only way I can fathom to make a unlocked all file for this apk, would be to find someone who paid to unlock the entire game and cloning their file if that is possible.
*Update* 4-5-2020:

Using a current .obb file did not work however, we have managed to update the game to it's final form. This update was not included in the Doctor Who Legacy 3.5.2 APK.

In order to do this you must have the following file:

Copy this file and paste it into:

Internal Storage -> Android -> Data -> com.tinyrebel.doctorwholegacy

Confirm that you want to replace your existing file. (In testing this, our prior data was not lost).

You can verify it worked by looking in the challenge areas. The most recent challenge should show the reward of Missy as a playable character for beating the level.

Now you are all set!

*Note: The following characters are still missing outfits. Outfits being purely cosmetic will not effect gameplay:

Clara Oswald
John Jones
Martha Jones
Rose Tyler
The Third Doctor

These were either unreleased or had been promotional material provided by now defunct codes. If someone has a way to reactivate these please contact this member through Discord: Stiff#0498

Special Thanks to:

Stiff#0498 for your help with getting the final steps down both times

SnakeSosa for providing the necessary files to get this accomplished so Whobians could continue to experience Doctor Who Legacy

Stile99 for scratching your head along with the rest of us and putting forward your theories

Sharee for suggesting using the Doctor Who Discord to get help with finding the necessary files to make the games' levels complete once more
Correction: Clara Oswald's outfit is obtainable in the fan area as long as the update is installed. So only 7 characters are missing outfits (see above).
*Update* 4-5-2020:

Using a current .obb file did not work however, we have managed to update the game to it's final form. This update was not included in the Doctor Who Legacy 3.5.2 APK.

In order to do this you must have the following file:

The link for ^ the zip file doesn't work, and i can't acess it, can you please send a new link for that zip or tell me where i can get, thanks
You have to click the three dots in the corner and choose download, otherwise it just pops up and says the file is not supported.
*Update* 4-5-2020:

Using a current .obb file did not work however, we have managed to update the game to it's final form. This update was not included in the Doctor Who Legacy 3.5.2 APK.

In order to do this you must have the following file:

Copy this file and paste it into:

Internal Storage -> Android -> Data -> com.tinyrebel.doctorwholegacy

Confirm that you want to replace your existing file. (In testing this, our prior data was not lost).

You can verify it worked by looking in the challenge areas. The most recent challenge should show the reward of Missy as a playable character for beating the level.

Now you are all set!

*Note: The following characters are still missing outfits. Outfits being purely cosmetic will not effect gameplay:

Clara Oswald
John Jones
Martha Jones
Rose Tyler
The Third Doctor

These were either unreleased or had been promotional material provided by now defunct codes. If someone has a way to reactivate these please contact this member through Discord: Stiff#0498

Special Thanks to:

Stiff#0498 for your help with getting the final steps down both times

SnakeSosa for providing the necessary files to get this accomplished so Whobians could continue to experience Doctor Who Legacy

Stile99 for scratching your head along with the rest of us and putting forward your theories

Sharee for suggesting using the Doctor Who Discord to get help with finding the necessary files to make the games' levels complete once more
Maybe too late, but can you update file? Because the link is expired.

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